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Academic language is the language that students need to fully participate in the teaching and learning that takes place in school. Classroom teachers need to engage in practices that support academic linguistic growth for all students.

Planning for Language

Identify the academic language that your students need to participate in learning tasks and demonstrate their understanding. Learn to write an effective language objective.

Academic Discussions

Learn some strategies to increase the quality and quantity of classrooms interactions. Learn how to help your students produce more complex language skills.


Academic Language

Prepare students to address the complexities of the English language and meet standards. In this section, you will learn some essential practices to build academic language in your classroom.

Supporting Academic Language

Encourage students to use academic language in your classroom. Learn to design classroom experiences to help students reach growing levels of academic language use.

This video created by an educator will give you some background information about academic language instruction. It is a great starting point before exploring this section.(Smartatmath Youtube Channel)

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