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Build a positive classroom culture that values students as learners and thinkers and promotes rich and meaningful interactions to accelerate linguistic and academic growth.

Building a  Community of Learners

Learn how to create an environment that meets the needs and embraces the strengths of your linguistically and culturally diverse students.

Setting Rigorous Expectations

Language learning occurs when expectations and modeling are clear and feedback is provided in a consistent and explicit way. 

Higher Thinking Skills

Improve students' ability to communicate complex ideas and interact meaningfully with peers in the context of engaging and challenging tasks.

Assessment Strategies

Assess the language of your students to inform language teaching and learning in your classroom. Learn strategies to assess your students' growth in academic language.

Change does not come about simply because we wish it.
Sonia Nieto in Education Week Teacher
Learning is a process where knowledge is presented to us, then shaped through understanding, discussion and reflection.
Paulo Freire
Students show up with incredible strengths and assets. Kids are capable of much more than we think. 
Gloria Ladson-Billings
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