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Dual language programs foster bilingualism, biliteracy and cultural competency. Understanding the guiding principles of DL instruction is essential to creating an environment where the linguistic and cultural experiences of our students are valued, 

nurtured and built upon.

Guiding Principles

Learn more about research-based practices that inform teaching and learning in dual language (DL) programs.



Support your students to fluently speak, read, listen, and write proficiently in two languages. 

DL Learner Profile

Develop a better understanding of the profiles of students attending DL programs.

The Bilingual Mind

There are many advantages to being bilingual. Learn how to leverage these unique skills in your classroom.

For many bilingual households, language is the bridge to the essence of who we are and to the heart of our heritage.
Bilingual is Better

The research from Wayne P. Thomas and Virginia P. Collier, 1997, 2010, shows that students who participate in high quality, dual language programming for five to seven years, where at least 50% of learning is in the partner language (in this case Spanish), outperform their peers academically.

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