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Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education

"The term Dual Language refers to any program that provides literacy and content instruction to all students through two languages and that promotes bilingualism and biliteracy, grade-level academic achievement, and sociocultural competence—a term encompassing identity development, cross-cultural competence, and multicultural appreciation—for all students."

Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education (p.12)

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CAL's mission is to promote language learning and cultural understanding by serving as a trusted source for research, resources, and policy analysis.

Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education, Second Edition: The Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education were developed as a tool to help dual language programs (two-way immersion, heritage language, foreign language immersion, or developmental bilingual programs) with planning and ongoing implementation. Program issues are addressed in seven strands: Assessment and Accountability, Curriculum, Instruction, Staff Quality and Professional Development, Program Structure, Family and Community, and Support and Resources. (Available for sale through the Center for Applied Linguistics store.)

Dual Language Education: Answers to Questions From the Field
This brief provides answers to commonly asked questions in the field about effective implementation of dual language programs.

In a 90/10 program, 90 percent of instruction is in the non-English language starting in kindergarten and 10 percent is in English. Instruction in English increases, often starting in grade 2, until approximately 50 percent of the instruction is in English and 50 percent is in the non-English language by the end of elementary school. 

Dual Language Instruction from A to Z. (p.13)

Source: National Dual Language Consortium

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